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cvtsudoers: merging multiple sudoers files into one
We learned in my previous sudo blog that cvtsudoers is not just for LDAP. Version 1.9.9 of sudo extends the querying possibilities of cvtsudoers further and adds a brand new feature: merging multiple sudoers files into one. Both are especially useful when you have complex configurations. Querying lets you to better understand what the various rules allow in your sudoers file. Merging helps you to combine multiple configurations into one, so you do not have to maintain a separate sudoers file on each of your hosts. ...
cvtsudoers: not just for LDAP
The main feature of cvtsudoers is that it can convert between the sudoers file format and LDAP’s LDIF file format. As I do not use LDAP in my lab environment I stopped caring about cvtsudoers after I read the first few lines of its man page. However, cvtsudoers has additional features useful even without LDAP: querying the sudoers file and printing permissions belonging to a given user or host. Before you begin I must admit, I have no idea which version of sudo introduced the filtering (-m) option to cvtsudoers. ...
Python support arrives in Safeguard for Sudo
Version 1.9 of sudo was released almost two years ago. One of the major new features was support for Python plugins. Previously, you could only extend sudo by coding in C to better suit your environment, which is not the easiest task to manage. Python makes both coding and distributing the results easier. Starting with Safeguard for Sudo 7.2, Python support is also available in an enterprise sudo management solution. ...
Sudo 1.9.8: intercepting commands
A month ago, when sudo 1.9.8 was still under development, we checked out the new log_subcmds option. It allows you log all commands (with some limitations) that are executed by a command started through sudo. For example, you can see if a shell was started through a text editor. The intercept option brings this one step further: you can prevent sub-commands from even running. Before you begin To use sudo’s intercept option you need sudo 1. ...
What is coming in sudo 1.9.8?
Sudo development is at version 1.9.8 beta 3. There are two major new features: sudo can intercept sub-commands and log sub-commands. In this quick teaser I introduce you to log_subcmds. I hope it is interesting enough for you to test it out and provide feedback. So, what is log_subcmds good for? There are many UNIX tools that can spawn external applications. You only see vi in the logs, but can you be sure without session recording that your admin only edits what he is supposed to? ...
Securing the sudo to sudo_logsrvd connection
Using sudo_logsrvd to centrally collect sudo session recordings from your network is a huge step forward in security: users cannot delete or modify session recordings locally. However, by default, transmission of recordings is not encrypted, making it open to modifications and eavesdropping. Encrypting the connection between sudo and sudo_logsrvd can eliminate these problems. Larger environments usually either have in-house PKI tooling in place, or colleagues who know all openssl options off the top of their heads. ...
New in 1.9.7: using sudo_logsrvd in relay mode
Relay mode was introduced to sudo_logsrvd in sudo version 1.9.7. But, first of all, what is sudo_logsrvd? It is the sudo recording service that allows you to collect sudo session recordings centrally. Using relay mode makes it possible to collect sudo session recordings even when the central service is inaccessible and provides you with a single exit point from your network. In this blog you will learn why relay mode is important and how you can test it. ...
Analyzing your sudo session recordings with One Identity's SPS
Sudo is an open source application allowing you to execute commands as another user. Safeguard for Privileged Sessions (SPS) by One Identity is commercial software that allows you to control, monitor and record privileged access. Starting with the upcoming SPS version 6.10 you will be able to collect and analyze sudo session recordings in SPS. Overview Session (I/O log) recording has been present in sudo for quite some time, but recordings were only saved locally. ...
Alerting to many different services using Python and sudo 1.9
Before version 1.9 was released, alterting in sudo was limited to e-mail messages. If you wanted to send alerts somewhere else, like Slack, you could only do this using external applications, like syslog-ng. Beginning with sudo 1.9, there is an Audit API that can be called from Python. Previously, we provided you with a simple example that show how to print some debug information to the terminal. In this blog post we will extend that example with Apprise, a universal Python notification library. ...
Fuzz testing sudo
Version 1.9.6 of sudo was released recently. This is primarily a bug fix release with almost no user visible changes. One of the changes visible to developers is that support for fuzz testing was added. What is fuzz testing? According to the Wikipedia: “Fuzzing or fuzz testing is an automated software testing technique that involves providing invalid, unexpected, or random data as inputs to a computer program. The program is then monitored for exceptions such as crashes, failing built-in code assertions, or potential memory leaks. ...